Black Ironbox Tenor |
A Tenor Ukulele with a scale length of 432mm and 14 Frets to the Body. This Ukulele
S/N - UKE-BIB-T002 2024 was built by hand using the materials and methods listed below.
Back and Sides and Headstock rear - Black Iron Box (Eucalyptus raveretiana)
This species belongs to a group of 3 Eucalyptus which are not closely related to any other Eucalyptus. Only found in a small number of areas in Central Queensland. Its timber is heavy, very durable, very hard, strong and can be somewhat brittle. It isn't a recognised tonewood but has been used for heavy and light construction. It is presently listed as a vulnerable species.
Body Construction – High Impedance Double Linings
The joints from Sides to the Soundboard and to the Back are double lined (a Kerfed Lining and an internal Rimband) this increased the rigidity/impedance of the joint which in turn improves the overtones and sound complexity/quality.
Back Bracing – Live Bracing
The Back Bracing is a “Live Bracing Design “which increases the backs interaction with the soundboard during playing, resulting in a fuller more complex sound. The Bracing has been made with a 20ft Radius, which increases the stiffness and structural integrity.
Sound Board - German Spruce – (Picea abies)
This Wood is rich in Lutherie Tradition, comes from selected areas in the Austrian Alps, Italian Dolomites, Bavarian Alps, and the Bavarian Forest where they grow on north-eastern slopes (1200m - 1600m above sea level). This Austrian Alps Spruce came from the Tirol, Oberinntal area. Felled in the winter of 2012/13, it has an average ring spacing of 18/inch, Mass of 0.42 gr/cm3 and 5312M/sec longitudinal speed of sound. It was collected, air seasoned and test by Rudolf Fuchs Tonewoods, Germany, www.German
Soundboard Bracing System - Falcate
The Falcate soundboard bracing system has been made to fit into and was assembled in a 20ft radius dish, which increases its stiffness and structural integrity. The Falcate (sickle shaped) Bracing is made of strips of King Billy Pine, laminated into sickle shapes that are radiused to 20ft. The Bracing tops were profiled. This radiused/curved symmetrical bracing system is of low mass and is incredibly stiff.
Headstock, Fretboard, Bindings and Bridge - Ebony (Diospyros spp.)
The fretboard has a Zero Fret, Compound Radius and is bound with Maple purfling and Ebony Bindings. The Bridge is a Gladstone Guitars ‘String Through Design’.
Neck - Silver Ash (Flindersia bourjotiana)
A rare Queensland timber, closely related to Queensland Maple, perfect for steam bending. It is a durable silver-white to pale yellow timber, with open mostly straight grain. It’s suitable for Boat Building, Gun Stocks, Cricket Stumps, and Instruments. This is a 3-piece neck, Silver Ash with a Black Ironbox Spine with Black/white Maple accent lines. It’s fitted with a double action steel trussrod which is accessible through the soundhole with a 4mm Allen Key.
Rosette – Composite Open Design
An open composite double ring design using segments of Black Ironbox, Ringed Gidgee Sapwood and Black Lipped Oyster Shell, with black/white Maple accent lines.
Tuners - Tuners - Grover Chrome ‘Sta-tite’
Grover’s very popular guitar style open gear Ukulele tuners, these are the long string post model to suit the thicker Headstock. They come with a “Lifetime Warranty”.
Nut and Saddle - Northern Territory Water Buffalo Horn (Syncerus caffer)
The Nut and Saddle are handmade and fitted into their respective locations. The 3mm saddle is a firm fit into the Bridge but can be removed if needed. It has a line scribed along the soundhole face; this indicates the orientation of the saddle in the bridge. The instruments intonation has been set using the saddle, so it’s important that the saddle goes back with the correct orientation. The Nut has been slotted to suit the as fitted Strings. The Nut is also a firm fit; a small amount of CA glue has been put under it to hold it in place while changing strings.
Strings – Worth Brown Fluorocarbon Low G
Strings are an important part of any instruments sound structure. We have tested numerous different string types on our Tenor Ukuleles and found that the ‘Worth’ Brown Fluorocarbon far outperforms any others, giving a warm/mellow Classical Guitar type sound.
Finish - Hand Polished High Gloss Nitro Cellulous Lacquer
A hardwearing lacquer that is chemical resistant and easily repaired. Approximately 20 coats of Lacquer are applied, after curing the lacquer is hand levelled, cut, and polished to a mirror finish.