Ukulele Moulds and Formers.
A quick look at what I've been making for Ukes.
A quick look at what I've been making for Ukes.

Baritone Uke Body Mould.
Made from three layers of 19mm Plywood.
Made from three layers of 19mm Plywood.

Body Formers for Baritone Uke,
Used in conjunction with Temperature Controlled
Silicone Heating Blankets.
Solid construction of 19mm Ply and 19mm Pine.
Used in conjunction with Temperature Controlled
Silicone Heating Blankets.
Solid construction of 19mm Ply and 19mm Pine.

Ukulele side bender construction photo.
Top Yoke of the side bender, two pieces of 19mm form ply with 3/8" Tee Nuts between them .
Top Yoke of the side bender, two pieces of 19mm form ply with 3/8" Tee Nuts between them .

Top Yoke assembled with the Waist Caul, pressure plates and clamping rods in place.

Temperature Controllers installed

Closer view of Controllers

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